Delivery & Shipping

  • Shipping costs may vary depending on destination country and package weight. Exact shipping cost will be displayed at checkout.
  • All packages are shipped from Korea with tracking number. All orders require 2-7 days handling time. This may vary depending on Ballagrio's inventory status. If you purchase multiple products at once, it may take longer because the inventory status for each product is different. We will notify you individually if delivery is not possible due to unavoidable reasons such as product discontinuation or out of stock.
  • Import duties, taxes and other charges are not included in the item price or shipping costs. Although we do our best to avoid customs clearance issues, we cannot guarantee that customs clearance will be 100% successful as the customs laws of each country are different. Import duties, taxes and other charges incurred during shipping are out of Ballagrio's control and are the buyer's responsibility. If delivery fails due to customer's refusal to pay fees, Ballagrio's exchange and refund policies will apply. (Especially in EU countries, customs duties or additional fees may be charged upon arrival for purchases over 150 EUR.)
  • Standard shipping takes approximately 10-20 business days to arrive, and Expedited shipping takes approximately 5-7 business days to arrive. However, this is an average value, not absolute, and may vary depending on the destination country and delivery situation.
  • Once a tracking number is entered in your order details, it will be sent to the email address you submitted with your order.
  • We are doing our best to resolve shipping issues in countries where we cannot deliver. Thank you again for your understanding.
  • Free standard shipping  on orders over 80 USD

Guidelines for Major Shipping Countries

  • Shipping is not available if exceeding the duty-free limit of USD 800. Packages may be split at our discretion.

  • Please provide shipping information in Japanese. Using English may cause local delivery delays or returns.
  • Exceeding duty-free limit of JPY 16,666 (about USD 144) makes shipping unavailable. Packages may be split at our discretion.
  • Recipient name must be in Yomigana (Hiragana, Katakana, English). 
  • Maximum of 24 items per product for shipping.
  • Up to 120 mask sheets allowed.

  • Duties or fees incurred for purchases over EUR 150 are the responsibility of the recipient.
  • Please consider placing multiple orders if you do not wish the customs fee incur.

  • If you purchase more than 3 items, customs clearance may not be possible. In this case, your order may be canceled or randomly divided into multiple packages.
By completing the order, you agree to these terms and we will process your order without further notice.
Ballagrio is not liable for any issues arising from failure to review this information.
We appreciate your understanding.
US, AU, GB, NZ, JPStandard$4.90
US, AU, GB, NZ, JPExpedited$9.90~
EU Countries (AT, BE, BG, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GR, HU, HR, IE, IT, LU, LV, LT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK etc)Standard$4.90
MIDDLE EAST (AE, BH, KW, OM, QA, SA)Standard$12.90
MIDDLE EAST (AE, BH, KW, OM, QA, SA)Expedited$9.90~
RU, UAStandard$4.90
*This is a reference table showing the major countries where delivery is possible.
*Additionally, we can ship to many countries around the world.